You stand still, holding back for a turn.
<<display SkeletonTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display SkeletonPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat3A>>
Tracks how many turns of combat there have been.
Starts at 1.
Tracks how many turns the player's Doubling spell needs to recharge.
Starts at 0.
Tracks the amount of the Eldritch Skeleton's Eldritch Healing ability.
true"2", "3", "4"
Tracks how many turns the skeleton's Eldritch Healing spell needs to recharge.
Starts at 0.
Tracks the amount of the Eldritch Skeleton's Eldritch Slash ability.
"3", "4"
Tracks the amount of the player's Fire Blast ability.
"1", "2", "3"
Tracks how many turns the player's Growing Inferno spell needs to recharge.
Starts at 0.
Tracks how many turns the player's Healing Flame spell needs to recharge.
Starts at 0.
Tracks the player's health points.
Starts at 15.
Tracks what the player's attack is.
"Doubling", "FireBlast", "GrowingInferno", "HealingFlame"
Tracks the skeleton's health points.
Starts at 20.
Tracks what the Eldritch Skeleton's move will be.
"Slash", "Healing"<<nobr>>
"Time to get more tricky!" the Arena Master booms out to the arena crowd. "Our new champion will face . . . an Eldritch Skeleton!"
The crowd cheers as an animated skeleton, glowing green with eldritch power, faces you across the arena. You have been given the Flame Spellbook—stocked with fire-based spells. Will it be enough?
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to Number($PlayerLifePoints)>>
<<set $SkeletonLifePoints to 50>>
<<set $SkeletonLifePoints to Number($SkeletonLifePoints)>>
<<set $CombatTurn to 0>>
<<set $CombatTurn to Number($CombatTurn)>>
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery to 0>>
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery to Number($SpreadingInfernoRecovery)>>
<<set $DoublingAmount to 0>>
<<set $DoublingAmount to Number($DoublingAmount)>>
<<display Combat3A>>
The Eldritch Skeleton's attack is the killing blow! You collapse, your final thought being how weird it it to die in the Spell Arena at the hands of someone who is already dead.
<</nobr>>Your latest blow has defeated the Eldritch Skeleton! It collapses into the pile of bones it really should have always been.
And I am in //awe// of your incredible combat abilities!
The Spell Arena explodes with cheering! The Arena Master reluctantly says that the day's fights have drawn to a close, but heralds you as the new champion. "We'll see if our new star can survive . . . tomorrow."
But that is another day—and for now you can rest, having soundly mastered three spellbooks and defeated your opponents with each one.
Thank you for playing //Spell Arena// by David E. Sky! You can check out more of my work on my website, <html><a href="http://theeasilyamused.com">The Easily Amused</a></html>.
And definitely send any feedback you have on //Spell Arena// to me at <html><a href="mailto:davidesky2@hotmail.com?Subject=Spell%20Arena" target="_top">davidesky2 (@) hotmail.com</a></html>.<<nobr>>
<<set $FireBlastAmount to either("1", "2", "3")>>
<<set $FireBlastAmount to Number($FireBlastAmount)>>
<<if $DoublingAmount gt 1>>
<<set $FireBlastAmount *= $DoublingAmount>>
<<set $SkeletonLifePoints -= $FireBlastAmount>>
Your Fire Blast, multiplied $DoublingAmount times by Spreading Inferno, does $FireBlastAmount damage, bringing the Eldritch Skeleton's life points down to $SkeletonLifePoints.
<<set $DoublingAmount to 0>>
<<set $SkeletonLifePoints -= $FireBlastAmount>>
Your Fire Blast does $FireBlastAmount damage, bringing the Eldritch Skeleton's life points down to $SkeletonLifePoints.
<<if $SkeletonLifePoints lt 1>>
The Eldritch Skeleton doesn't attack, because . . . <<display SkeletonDefeated>>
<<display SkeletonTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display SkeletonPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat3A>>
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery += 1>>
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery to Number($SpreadingInfernoRecovery)>>
<<if $DoublingAmount isnot 0>>
<<set $DoublingAmount += $DoublingAmount>>
<<set $DoublingAmount to 2>>
<<set $DoublingAmount to Number($DoublingAmount)>>
You cast Spreading Inferno. Whatever you do next will now be multiplied by $DoublingAmount!
<<display SkeletonTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display SkeletonPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat3A>>
<<set $HealingFlameAmount to ("1", "2", "3")>>
<<set $HealingFlameAmount to Number($HealingFlameAmount)>>
<<if $DoublingAmount gt 1>>
<<set $HealingFlameAmount *= $DoublingAmount>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints += $HealingFlameAmount>>
Your Healing Flame, multiplied $DoublingAmount times by Spreading Inferno, heals you for $HealingFlameAmount, bringing your life points up to $PlayerLifePoints.
<<set $DoublingAmount to 0>>
Your Healing Flame heals you for $HealingFlameAmount, bringing your life points up to $PlayerLifePoints.
<<display SkeletonTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display SkeletonPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat3A>>
<<if $SkeletonLifePoints lt 50>>
<<set $SkeletonMove to either("Slash", "Healing")>>
<<set $SkeletonMove to "Slash">>
<<if $SkeletonMove is "Slash">>
<<set $EldritchSlashAmount to either("3", "4")>>
<<set $EldritchSlashAmount to Number($EldritchSlashAmount)>>
<<if $SkeletonMove is "Healing">>
<<set $EldritchHealingAmount to either("5", "6")>>
<<set $EldritchHealingAmount to Number($EldritchHealingAmount)>>
<<if $SkeletonMove is "Healing">>
<<set $SkeletonLifePoints += $EldritchHealingAmount>>
But then the Eldritch Skeleton casts Eldritch Healing for $EldritchHealingAmount life points, bringing its total health up to $SkeletonLifePoints.
<<if $SkeletonMove is "Slash">>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints -= $EldritchSlashAmount>>
But then the Eldritch Skeleton uses its Eldritch Slash, doing $EldritchSlashAmount damage and bringing you down to $PlayerLifePoints life points.
<</nobr>>Welcome to the Spell Arena!
Your various debts and crimes have landed you in the infamous Spell Arena, where you'll face increasingly terrifying enemies for the crowd's amusement. Your only defense: Whatever spellbooks the Arena Master sees fit to give you.
The spellbooks only have a handful of spells in them, but the Arena Master says there's always a way to defeat your opponents.
[[On to the first battle!|FirstBattleIntro]]<<nobr>>
"Let's throw another easy one at our new spellcaster!" the Arena Master booms out to the arena crowd. "They will face a . . . Rabid Raccoon!"
The crowd cheers as a mangy, slobbering, wild-eyed giant raccoon faces you across the arena. You have been given the Pilgrim's Spellbook—full of simple priest spells. Will it be enough?
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to Number($PlayerLifePoints)>>
<<set $RabidRaccoonLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $RabidRaccoonLifePoints to Number($RabidRaccoonLifePoints)>>
<<set $CombatTurn to 0>>
<<set $CombatTurn to Number($CombatTurn)>>
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters to 0>>
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters to Number($PlayerPoisonCounters)>>
<<set $BuildingSmiteRecovery to 0>>
<<set $BuildingSmiteRecovery to Number($BuildingSmiteRecovery)>>
<<display Combat2A>>
Opponent: Rabid Raccoon
Your life points: $PlayerLifePoints
Points of poison in you: $PlayerPoisonCounters
Rabid Raccooon's life points: $RabidRaccoonLifePoints
<<set $CombatTurn += 1>>
Combat turn: $CombatTurn
<<if $BuildingSmiteActivated is true>>
Powered up by Building Smite:
[[Healing Strike|Combat2B][$PlayerMove to "HealingStrike"]] - Do damage equal to the number of turns, heal for the same amount.
[[Healing Strike|Combat2B][$PlayerMove to "HealingStrike"]] - Do 1–3 damage, heal for the same amount.
(recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $BuildingSmiteActivated is true>>
Powered up by Building Smite:
[[Spiritual Cleanse|Combat2B][$PlayerMove to "SpiritualCleanse"]] - Purify your body of points of poison equal to the number of turns.
[[Spiritual Cleanse|Combat2B][$PlayerMove to "SpiritualCleanse"]] - Purify your body of 1 point of poison.
(recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $BuildingSmiteRecovery gt 0>>
//Recharging in $BuildingSmiteRecovery//
<<if $BuildingSmiteRecovery gt 1>>
Building Smite - Make the amount of your next spell equal to the number of turns.
(recharge: 3 turns)
<<set $BuildingSmiteRecovery -= 1>>
[[Building Smite|Combat2B][$PlayerMove to "BuildingSmite"]] - Make the amount of your next spell equal to the number of turns.
(recharge: 3 turns)
Festering Bite - Does 1 damage, and poisons player for 1 damage per turn. Note: Poison damage grows with each bite. (recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $BuildingSmiteActivated is true>>
<<set $HealingStrikeAmount to $CombatTurn>>
<<set $HealingStrikeAmount to Number($HealingStrikeAmount)>>
<<set $BuildingSmiteActivated to false>>
<<set $RabidRaccoonLifePoints -= $HealingStrikeAmount>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints += $HealingStrikeAmount>>
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 0>>
Then, your
Healing Strike, powered up to $HealingStrikeAmount by your Building Smite spell, brings the Rabid Raccoon's life points down to $RabidRaccoonLifePoints, and heals you up to $PlayerLifePoints life points.
<<set $HealingStrikeAmount to either("1", "2", "3")>>
<<set $HealingStrikeAmount to Number($HealingStrikeAmount)>>
<<set $RabidRaccoonLifePoints -= $HealingStrikeAmount>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints += $HealingStrikeAmount>>
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 0>>
Then, your
Healing Strike does $HealingStrikeAmount damage, bringing the Rabid Raccoon's life points down to $RabidRaccoonLifePoints, and healing you up to $PlayerLifePoints life points.
<<if $RabidRaccoonLifePoints lt 1>>
The Rabid Raccoon doesn't attack, because . . . <<display RabidRaccoonDefeated>>
<<display RabidRaccoonTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display RabidRaccoonPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat2A>>
<<if $BuildingSmiteActivated is true>>
<<set $SpiritualCleanseAmount to $CombatTurn>>
<<set $SpiritualCleanseAmount to Number($SpiritualCleanseAmount)>>
<<set $BuildingSmiteActivated to false>>
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 0>>
Then, your
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters -= $SpiritualCleanseAmount>>
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters lt 0>>
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters to 0>>
Spiritual Cleanse purges you of $SpiritualCleanseAmount points of poison, thanks to your Building Smite spell.
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 0>>
Then, your
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters -= 1>>
Spiritual Cleanse purges you of 1 point of poison.
<<display RabidRaccoonTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display RabidRaccoonPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat2A>>
<<set $BuildingSmiteRecovery += 2>>
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 0>>
Then, you
cast Building Smite. Your next spell will have its effect changed to equal the number of turns. <<set $BuildingSmiteActivated to true>>
<<display RabidRaccoonTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display RabidRaccoonPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat2A>>
<</nobr>>Your latest blow has defeated the Rabid Raccoon! It collapses into a mangy mess of slobber, blood, and pure disease.
The arena crowd cheers for their new champion!
<<display ThirdBattleIntro>><<nobr>>
The Rabid Raccoon's attack is the killing blow! You collapse, your final thought being how gross it is to die in the Spell Arena, at the hands of a slobbering, diseased animal that desperately needs a bath.
And in fact combat does not begin, as the poison has killed you! You collapse, your final thought being how gross it is to die in the Spell Arena, at the hands of a slobbering, diseased animal that desperately needs a bath.
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 0>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints -= $PlayerPoisonCounters>>
You have $PlayerPoisonCounters
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 1>>
of poison in you, doing damage each turn. This brings you down to $PlayerLifePoints life points just as combat begins.
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display RabidRaccoonPoisonDeath>>
<<if $PlayerMove is "HealingStrike">>
<<display 2HealingStrike>>
<<if $PlayerMove is "SpiritualCleanse">>
<<display 2SpiritualCleanse>>
<<if $PlayerMove is "BuildingSmite">>
<<display 2BuildingSmite>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints -= 1>>
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters += 1>>
But then the Rabid Raccoon hits you with its Festering Bite for 1 damage—bringing you down to $PlayerLifePoints life points, and giving you 1
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 1>>
point of
<<if $PlayerPoisonCounters gt 1>>
poison, for $PlayerPoisonCounters total.
"Let's throw an easy one at our new spellcaster!" the Arena Master booms out to the arena crowd. "They will face a . . . Large Rat!"
The crowd cheers as a rat the size of housecat faces you across the arena. You have been given the Beginner's Spellbook. Will it be enough?
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to Number($PlayerLifePoints)>>
<<set $LargeRatLifePoints to 15>>
<<set $LargeRatLifePoints to Number($LargeRatLifePoints)>>
<<set $CombatTurn to 0>>
<<set $CombatTurn to Number($CombatTurn)>>
<<set $HealingBoostRecovery to 0>>
<<set $HealingBoostRecovery to Number($HealingBoostRecovery)>>
<<display Combat1A>>
Opponent: Large Rat
Your life points: $PlayerLifePoints
Large Rat's life points: $LargeRatLifePoints
<<set $CombatTurn += 1>>
Combat turn: $CombatTurn
[[Power Blast|Combat1B][$PlayerMove to "PowerBlast"]] - Damage your opponent for 2–4 points.
(recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $HealingBoostRecovery gt 0>>
//Recharging in 1 turn://
Healing Boost - Gain 3–5 life points.//
<<set $HealingBoostRecovery -= 1>>
[[Healing Boost|Combat1B][$PlayerMove to "HealingBoost"]] - Gain 3–5 life points.
(recharge: 2 turns)
Angry Scratch - Damages opponent for 2–5 points. (recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $PlayerMove is "PowerBlast">>
<<display 1PowerBlast>>
<<if $PlayerMove is "HealingBoost">>
<<display 1HealingBoost>>
<<set $PowerBlastAmount to either("2", "3", "4")>>
<<set $PowerBlastAmount to Number($PowerBlastAmount)>>
<<set $LargeRatLifePoints -= $PowerBlastAmount>>
Your Power Blast does $PowerBlastAmount damage, bringing the Large Rat's life points down to $LargeRatLifePoints.
<<if $LargeRatLifePoints lt 1>>
The Large Rat doesn't attack, because . . . <<display LargeRatDefeated>>
<<display LargeRatTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display LargeRatPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat1A>>
<<set $HealingBoostAmount to either("3", "4", "5")>>
<<set $HealingBoostAmount to Number($HealingBoostAmount)>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints += $HealingBoostAmount>>
<<set $HealingBoostRecovery += 1>>
Your Healing Boost heals you for $HealingBoostAmount points, bringing you up to $PlayerLifePoints life points.
<<display LargeRatTurn>>
<<if $PlayerLifePoints lt 1>>
<<display LargeRatPlayerDeath>>
<<display Combat1A>>
<<set $AngryScratchAmount to either("2", "3", "4", "5")>>
<<set $AngryScratchAmount to Number($AngryScratchAmount)>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints -= $AngryScratchAmount>>
But then the Large Rat hits you with its Angry Scratch for $AngryScratchAmount damage—bringing you down to $PlayerLifePoints life points.
The Large Rat's attack is the killing blow! You collapse, your final thought being how gross it is to die in the Spell Arena at the hands of an oversized rat.
<</nobr>>Your latest blow has defeated the Large Rat! It squeaks its last, and collapses into a bloody pile of fur.
The arena crowd cheers for their new champion!
But your time in Spell Arena is never over! <<display SecondBattleIntro>><<nobr>>
Opponent: Eldritch Skeleton
Your life points: $PlayerLifePoints
Eldritch Skeleton's life points: $SkeletonLifePoints
<<set $CombatTurn += 1>>
Combat turn: $CombatTurn
---- ''FLAME SPELLBOOK'' ----
<<if $DoublingAmount gt 1>>
[[Fire Blast|Combat3B][$PlayerMove to "FireBlast"]] - Do 1–3 damage //multiplied by $DoublingAmount.//
[[Fire Blast|Combat3B][$PlayerMove to "FireBlast"]] - Do 1–3 damage.
(recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $DoublingAmount gt 1>>
[[Healing Flame|Combat3B][$PlayerMove to "HealingFlame"]] - Gain 1–3 health points //multiplied by $DoublingAmount.//
[[Healing Flame|Combat3B][$PlayerMove to "HealingFlame"]] - Gain 1–3 health points.
(recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $DoublingAmount gt 1>>
<<set $NextDoublingAmount to $DoublingAmount>>
<<set $NextDoublingAmount *= 2>>
<<if $SpreadingInfernoRecovery gt 0>>
Spreading Inferno - Multiply the damage or healing of your next spell by $NextDoublingAmount.
(recharge: 2 turns) Note: This spell can double itself.
Spreading Inferno needs one more turn to recover.
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery -= 1>>
[[Spreading Inferno|Combat3B][$PlayerMove to "SpreadingInferno"]] - multiply the damage or healing of your next spell by $NextDoublingAmount.
<<if $SpreadingInfernoRecovery gt 0>>
Spreading Inferno - Double the damage or healing of your next spell.
(recharge: 2 turns) Note: This spell can double itself.
Spreading Inferno needs one more turn to recover.
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery -= 1>>
[[Spreading Inferno|Combat3B][$PlayerMove to "SpreadingInferno"]] - Double the damage or healing of your next spell.
(recharge: 2 turns) Note: This spell can double itself.
[[Wait a turn.|Combat3B][$PlayerMove to "Wait"]]
Eldritch Slash - Do 3–4 damage. (recharge: 1 turn)
Eldritch Healing - Gain 5–6 life points. (recharge: 1 turn)
<<if $PlayerMove is "FireBlast">>
<<display 3FireBlast>>
<<if $PlayerMove is "HealingFlame">>
<<display 3HealingFlame>>
<<if $PlayerMove is "SpreadingInferno">>
<<display 3SpreadingInferno>>
<<if $PlayerMove is "Wait">>
<<display 3Wait>>
<<if $PlayerDiedOnce is true>>
Hey, you've died before—and yet again, as you drift through the void, you feel yourself being pulled back to reality.
The Arena Master's face hovers above you. He whispers, "We've done this already, so you know the drill. I brought you back to life, we'll hope everyone forgets about just seeing you defeated, you're trapped here for eternity, yada yada yada. Now get back out there!"
As you drift through the void, you feel yourself being pulled back to reality.
The Arena Master's face hovers above you. He whispers, "Okay, real talk: We've been running low on arena combatants—that's why we're using so many animals. So I brought you back to life, and we'll just throw you back in there and hope everyone forgot about seeing you defeated a little while ago. Good luck on your second try! Also—we never had this conversation."
<<set $PlayerDiedOnce to true>>
In moments, you're blinking away the harsh glare of the sun as you are positioned as a new entrant to the arena.
"We have a . . . new spellcaster!" the Arena Master booms out to the arena crowd. "Hard to tell them apart these days! This one, just like the last one, will face a . . . Large Rat!"
The crowd cheers as a rat the size of housecat faces you across the arena. You have been given the Beginner's Spellbook. Will it be enough?
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to Number($PlayerLifePoints)>>
<<set $LargeRatLifePoints to 15>>
<<set $LargeRatLifePoints to Number($LargeRatLifePoints)>>
<<set $CombatTurn to 0>>
<<set $CombatTurn to Number($CombatTurn)>>
<<set $HealingBoostRecovery to 0>>
<<set $HealingBoostRecovery to Number($HealingBoostRecovery)>>
<<display Combat1A>>
<<if $PlayerDiedOnce is true>>
Hey, you've died before—and yet again, as you drift through the void, you feel yourself being pulled back to reality.
The Arena Master's face hovers above you. He whispers, "We've done this already, so you know the drill. I brought you back to life, we'll hope everyone forgets about just seeing you defeated, you're trapped here for eternity, yada yada yada. Now get back out there!"
As you drift through the void, you feel yourself being pulled back to reality.
The Arena Master's face hovers above you. He whispers, "Okay, real talk: We've been running low on arena combatants—that's why we're using so many animals. So I brought you back to life, and we'll just throw you back in there and hope everyone forgot about seeing you defeated a little while ago. Good luck on your second try! Also—we never had this conversation."
<<set $PlayerDiedOnce to true>>
In moments, you're blinking away the harsh glare of the sun as you are positioned as a new entrant to the arena.
"We have a . . . new spellcaster!" the Arena Master booms out to the arena crowd. "Hard to tell them apart these days! This one, just like the last one, will face a . . . Rabid Raccoon!"
The crowd cheers as a mangy, slobbering, wild-eyed giant raccoon faces you across the arena. You have been given the Pilgrim's Spellbook—full of simple priest spells. Will it be enough?
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to Number($PlayerLifePoints)>>
<<set $RabidRaccoonLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $RabidRaccoonLifePoints to Number($RabidRaccoonLifePoints)>>
<<set $CombatTurn to 0>>
<<set $CombatTurn to Number($CombatTurn)>>
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters to 0>>
<<set $PlayerPoisonCounters to Number($PlayerPoisonCounters)>>
<<set $BuildingSmiteRecovery to 0>>
<<set $BuildingSmiteRecovery to Number($BuildingSmiteRecovery)>>
<<display Combat2A>>
<<if $PlayerDiedOnce is true>>
Hey, you've died before—and yet again, as you drift through the void, you feel yourself being pulled back to reality.
The Arena Master's face hovers above you. He whispers, "We've done this already, so you know the drill. I brought you back to life, we'll hope everyone forgets about just seeing you defeated, you're trapped here for eternity, yada yada yada. Now get back out there!"
As you drift through the void, you feel yourself being pulled back to reality.
The Arena Master's face hovers above you. He whispers, "Okay, real talk: We've been running low on arena combatants—that's why we're using so many animals and a reanimated skeleton. So I brought you back to life, and we'll just throw you back in there and hope everyone forgot about seeing you defeated a little while ago. Good luck on your second try! Also—we never had this conversation."
<<set $PlayerDiedOnce to true>>
In moments, you're blinking away the harsh glare of the sun as you are positioned as a new entrant to the arena.
"We have a . . . new spellcaster!" the Arena Master booms out to the arena crowd. "Hard to tell them apart these days! This one, just like the last one, will face an . . . Eldritch Skeleton!"
The crowd cheers as an animated skeleton, glowing green with eldritch power, faces you across the arena. You have been given the Flame Spellbook—stocked with fire-based spells. Will it be enough?
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to 25>>
<<set $PlayerLifePoints to Number($PlayerLifePoints)>>
<<set $SkeletonLifePoints to 50>>
<<set $SkeletonLifePoints to Number($SkeletonLifePoints)>>
<<set $CombatTurn to 0>>
<<set $CombatTurn to Number($CombatTurn)>>
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery to 0>>
<<set $SpreadingInfernoRecovery to Number($SpreadingInfernoRecovery)>>
<<set $DoublingAmount to 0>>
<<set $DoublingAmount to Number($DoublingAmount)>>
<<display Combat3A>>