<<if $RmFl1LivingRoom_FireplaceInspected is true>>
<<set $RmFl1LivingRoom_FireplaceInspected to true>>
The fireplace commands attention. It bulges into the room, its carved wooden figures writhing across each other, appearing to tumble out of—or into—its central maw, a sooty black cave that looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a century.
<</nobr>><<display RmFl1LivingRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Lit">>
It was too dark before to really see the details of this decrepit staircase, but now that you have a light with you, you can see how to pick a path across the shattered stairs up to the second floor.
<<set $RmFl1EntranceHall_LitStaircaseInspected to true>>
<<set $RmFl1EntranceHall_StaircaseInspected to true>>
The staircase clearly once grandly stretched up to the second floor—but has fallen into disrepair. It's too dark to see if it's even possible to safely navigate the shattered stairs; below them looms what appears to be a bottomless pit.
<<display RmFl1EntranceHall>>
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHallFrontDoorInspected is true>>
No matter how many times you try, the large front door to the house doesn't open. It simply doesn't budge at all.
You can't shake the feeling that each time you attempt to get out this way, you hear someone faintly crying for help behind you. But there's never anyone there.
<<set $RmFl1EntranceHallFrontDoorInspected to true>>
The large front door to the house doesn't open, no matter how many times you lock it and unlock it again. It simply doesn't budge at all.
As you give it one last try, you swear you hear someone cry out behind you—but when you whip around, you're alone.
Were they crying "help"?
<<display RmFl1EntranceHall>><<nobr>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "FurnaceRoom">>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorFurnaceRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomBasementFloorFurnaceRoom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorFurnaceRoom_Stage is "Discovered">>
This large, stiflingly hot room is filthy. Every surface seems like it's caked in soot, probably from the giant, coal-burning furnace that sits like an angry, cast-iron goblin king in the southwest corner.
The furnace appears to be quietly firing away—and ready to gobble up any wayward children who wander too close.
<<if $PossessionMatches_Status is "Dropped" and $PossessionCandle_Status is "Dropped">>
The candle and matches you found are here, but now that you have a lit lantern, you don't see a need for them anymore.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl0FurnaceRoom_FurnanceInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the furnace again.|RmFl0FurnaceRoomFurnace]]
[[Inspect the furnace.|RmFl0FurnaceRoomFurnace]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
There's a door to the [[northeast|RmFl0CisternRoom]].
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
The cistern room is to the northeast, but it's flooded.
The cistern room is to the [[northeast|RmFl0CisternRoom]].
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCoalStorage_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
A door lies to the [[southeast|RmFl0CoalStorage]].
The basement's coal storage lies [[southeast|RmFl0CoalStorage]].
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Lit" and $RmFl0FurnaceRoom_SeenBoy isnot true>>
A staircase leads to the house's entrance hall [[up above|RmFl0FurnaceRoomSeeBoyFirstTime]].
A staircase leads to the house's entrance hall [[up above|RmFl1EntranceHall]].
<</nobr>>Programming Standards
Class = type of object, like "Room"
Object = Specific instance of a class with its own unique identifier, like the Room with the identifier "DiningRoom".
Identifier = A unique term (basically a name) to separate objects within the same class from each other.
Attribute = Each class has at least one attribute; for instance, each Room has a Stage.
Attribute Value = Each attribute has a defined set of possible values, like a Room's Stage, which can be "Undiscovered", "Discovered", and "Evolved". Ideally there's a standard starting value and a linear progression through the other values. Alternately, there are two values, functioning as a kind of on/off switch—usually true/false.
How this translates into variables:
Names of Variables
Variables have consistent names, like this:
Every object in a class has the same set of attributes, with the same set of possible values. For example, all objects in the class room have stages, with these possible values: "Undiscovered", "Discovered", and "Evolved".
All variables are set up with their starting attributes at the beginning of the game in the "Initialization" passage, except for one-off variables within a room that are designed to present repetition, all of which use the "Inspected" attribute and are true/false.
One-Off Variables
There are many one-off variables in the different rooms, mostly to prevent repetition and track things players have already done, for instance inspecting a feature of the room, so that if a player wants to do it again, the language can adjust to match that.
Example: $RmFl1LivingRoom_BookInspected will turn to true once a player has inspected the book in the Living Room. These variables don't go in the Initialization passage, and should just be named for their room and the most straightforward suffix after that.IMPLEMENTED:
Object Identifiers: None, there's only one inventory.
Example: <<set $Inventory_Count += 1>>
Note: Each time an item is added to the inventory, up the Count (which starts at 0) by 1. Each time an item is lost from the inventory, subtract 1.
Object identifier: There is only one object in this class: "Player"
[name of room] "LivingRoom" / "EntranceHall" / "DiningRoom" [etc.]
Example: <<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "LivingRoom">>
Object Identifiers: Prefix "Possession", then names of possession, like "PenKnife".
Example: <<set $PossessionPenKnife_Status to "Discovered">>
Note: Whenever a possession's Status is changed to "Taken", its InsideInventory should be set to true. Also, Inventory's Count shoud go up by 1. If a possession's Status changes to "Dropped," the Inventory Count should go down by 1.
Obect list:
Object Identifiers: Room prefix "Rm", then floor of house, like "Fl1", then names of Rooms, like "LivingRoom".
Attribute: Stage
Values: "Undiscovered"/"Discovered"/"EvolvedOne" / "EvolvedTwo"
Example: <<set $RmFl1LivingRoom_Stage to "Discovered">>
Object Identifiers: Names of characters, like "CaptainYamashita"
Example: <<set $CharacterCaptainYamashita_Status to "Dead>"
Object Identifiers: Name of person player converses with, and number of conversation if they're linear ("1", "2", "3", etc.), or otherwise subject of conversation ("FindingFood", "FindingShelter", etc.).
Example: <<set $ConversationElias1_Status to "InProgress">>
Object Identifiers: Names of facts, like "FamilyWasCursed".
Example: <<set $PlayerKnowledgeFamilyWasCursed_Known to true>>
Object Identifiers: Names of quest lines, like "RetrieveLantern".
Example: <<set $QuestRetrieveLantern_Status to "InProgress">>
<<set $RmFl1DiningRoom_CandelabraInspected to true>>
The candelabra, a rococo design whose flowing arms mimic splashes of water, probably once gleamed, but now glowers under layers of thick grime.
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Undiscovered" or $Candle_Status is "Discovered">>
<<set $PossessionCandle_Status to "Discovered">>
It can hold many candles, but now only a single white candle sits at its top, pale and bright against its sooty setting.
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken" or $PossessionCandle_Status is "Lit">>
It can hold many candles, but you've taken the only one it had, so now its sooty settings lie empty.
<</nobr>><<display RmFl1DiningRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "LivingRoom" and $RoomFirstFloorLivingRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "LivingRoom">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorLivingRoom_Stage is "Discovered">>
In the dim grey light, this looks like a once impressive chamber that's been stripped down to just a lot of wood paneling, a musty old couch, a table with an old book on it, and a massive, ornately carved wooden fireplace.
<<if $RoomFirstFloorLivingRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorLivingRoom_Stage to "Discovered">>
You wake up in grey twilight, unsure of where you are.
Then you remember: You're on the living room couch of your friend Barry's weird, dilapidated New England house. He bought it as a fixer-upper just before going on a long trip and asking you to house-sit. He's never even spent the night here, much less begun work on the place.
You got in late last night, registered that the house is old and in much worse shape than Barry indicated, and then you crashed.
Now you think it's morning, but only a hazy glow is coming in through room's old, small, dirty windows. It sounds like it's raining out. Your phone is dead, having failed to recharge. Seems the electricity's out.
You're in the living room. In the dim grey light, it looks like a once impressive chamber that's been stripped down to just a lot of wood paneling, a musty old couch, a table with an old book on it, and a massive, carved wooden fireplace.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl1LivingRoom_FireplaceInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the fireplace again.|RmFl1LivingRoomFireplace]]
[[Inspect the fireplace.|RmFl1LivingRoomFireplace]]
<<if $RmFl1LivingRoom_BookInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the book on the table again.|RmFl1LivingRoomBook]]
[[Inspect the book on the table.|RmFl1LivingRoomBook]]
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken" and $PossessionMatches_Status is "Taken">>
[[Light the candle you're holding.|RmFl1LivingRoomLightCandle]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $RoomFirstFloorEntranceHall_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
Double doors lead [[west|RmFl1EntranceHall]].
Double doors to the entrance hall lead [[west|RmFl1EntranceHall]].
<<set $HouseNoisesRound1= ["rain against the exterior walls from the storm outside.", "the rumble of distant thunder.", "rising winds whistling by outside.", "what sounds like distant shouting—or perhaps it's just windswept trees scraping against an outside wall."]>>
<<set $HouseNoisesRound2= ["rain pounding against building as the storm intensifies.", "the crack of thunder, growing nearer.", "the wail of fierce winds buffeting the outer walls.", "what definitely sounds like someone shouting, although it quickly grows silent."]>>
<<set $HouseNoisesRound3= ["pounding rain punching into the exterior of the building as the storm grows even more powerful.", "the crack of rolling thunder, seemingly right overhead.", "the banshee screech of winds shaking the outer walls.", "shouting, definitely from another room inside, although you can't make out the words before the yelling ends with a crashing sound."]>>
<<set $ItemsInInventory to 0>>
<<set $PossessionCandle_Status to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $PossessionKey_Status to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $PossessionLantern_Status to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $PossessionMatches_Status to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomBasementFloorFurnaceRoom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomBasementFloorCoalStorage_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorDiningRoom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorEntranceHall_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorKitchen_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorLivingRoom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorLibrary_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroomBathroom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoomBathroom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoomBathroom_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomThirdFloorAttic_Stage to "Undiscovered">>
<</nobr>><<display RmFl1LivingRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "EntranceHall">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "EntranceHall">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorEntranceHall_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorEntranceHall_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorEntranceHall_Stage is "Discovered">>
This is an expansive room, currently filled with shadows, but you can make out a broken-down grand staircase that once curled around the walls and led up to the second floor. Cracked wooden panelling surrounds you, and shattered glass crunches under your feet.
Doors lead to many other parts of this floor.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHallFloorInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the glass underfoot again.|RmFl1EntranceHallFloor]]
[[Inspect the glass underfoot.|RmFl1EntranceHallFloor]]
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHall_LitStaircaseInspected is true>>
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHall_StaircaseInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the staircase again.|RmFl1EntranceHallStaircase]]
[[Inspect the staircase.|RmFl1EntranceHallStaircase]]
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken" and $PossessionMatches_Status is "Taken">>
[[Light the candle you're holding.|RmFl1EntranceHallLightCandle]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Lit" or $PossessionLantern_Status is "Lit">>
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHall_LitStaircaseInspected is true>>
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Lit" and $RmFl1EntranceHall_SeenBoy isnot true>>
The staircase to the second floor is [[north|RmFl1EntranceHallSeeBoy]], and you can now light your way to using it safely.
The staircase to the second floor is [[north|RmFl2UpperHall]], and you can now light your way to using it safely.
The staircase to the second floor is north. It's too dark to traverse it safely, but now that you have a light, you should check out if it's passable.
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHall_StaircaseInspected is true>>
The staircase to the second floor is north, but it's too dark to traverse it safely.
The staircase to the second floor is north, but it's very dark over there. You should check out if it's passable.
Double doors to the living room lead [[east|RmFl1LivingRoom]].
The front door of the house lies [[south|RmFl1EntranceHallFrontDoor]].
<<if $RoomFirstFloorDiningRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
Another set of double doors leads [[west|RmFl1DiningRoom]].
The dining room is through a set of double doors to the [[west|RmFl1DiningRoom]].
<<if $RoomBasementFloorBasement_Stage is "Discovered">>
Stairs down to the basement lie behind a door to the [[northwest|RmFl0FurnaceRoom]].
<<if $PossessionKey_Status is "Used">>
Stairs down to the basement lie behind an unlocked door to the [[northwest|RmFl0FurnaceRoom]].
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHall_ShadowyCornerInspected is true>>
There's a locked door in the shadowy corner below the staircase in the
There might be a door in the shadowy corner below the staircase in the
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "DiningRoom">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "DiningRoom">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorDiningRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorDiningRoom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorDiningRoom_Stage is "Discovered">>
In this room, a large, orrnately carved wooden table with a massive crack down its center sits bare except for an ornate
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Undiscovered">>
candelabra with a single white candle in it.
There are no chairs.
The walls hold paintings darkened over the decades; now their subjects are reduced to only shadows, seeming to hunch forward to get a look at you.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl1DiningRoom_CandelabraInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the candelabra again.|RmFl1DiningRoomCandelabra]]
[[Inspect the candelabra.|RmFl1DiningRoomCandelabra]]
<<if $RmFl1DiningRoom_PaintingsInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the paintings again.|RmFl1DiningRoomPaintings]]
[[Inspect the paintings.|RmFl1DiningRoomPaintings]]
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken" and $PossessionMatches_Status is "Taken">>
[[Light the candle you're holding.|RmFl1DiningRoomLightCandle]]
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Discovered">>
[[Take the candle from the candelabra.|RmFl1DiningRoomTakeCandle]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
Double doors lead to the entrance hall to the [[east|RmFl1EntranceHall]].
<<if $RoomFirstFloorKitchen_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
A door lies to the [[north|RmFl1Kitchen]].
The kitchen lies to the [[north|RmFl1Kitchen]].
<</nobr>><<set $RmFl1DiningRoom_PaintingsInspected to true>>The half-a-dozen paintings that cover the walls have picked up thick coatings of dirt across the decades. All that shows through are lighter backgrounds and occasional eye-glints—as if the shadowy subjects are staring at you.
Clearer are the engravings below each painting, built into the frames and spelling out who's depicted:
Digby Wickenden
Althea Wickenden
Orton Wickenden
Perthena Wickenden
Verden Wickenden
Nicholas Wickenden
The eyes of that last one—Nicholas—shine brighter than the others. You feel his gaze on you.
<<display RmFl1DiningRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "Kitchen">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "Kitchen">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorKitchen_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorKitchen_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorKitchen_Stage is "Discovered">>
The kitchen is full but compact—meant for servants—and dominated by a hulking cast-iron coal stove that looks all set to have a couple of children shoved into it.
A large sink is piled with dishes that look like they haven't been washed in decades. To the east, a dusty pantry sits empty.
<<if $RmFl1KitchenLetterInspected is true>>
A letter sits on the
<<if $PossessionMatches_Status is "Discovered">>
counter, with a box of matches lying beside it.
A folded-up letter sits on the counter.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl1KitchenLetterInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the letter again.|RmFl1KitchenInspectLetter]]
[[Inspect the folded-up letter.|RmFl1KitchenInspectLetter]]
<<if $RmFl1KitchenSinkInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the sink again.|RmFl1KitchenInspectSink]]
[[Inspect the sink.|RmFl1KitchenInspectSink]]
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken" and $PossessionMatches_Status is "Taken">>
[[Light the candle you're holding.|RmFl1KitchenLightCandle]]
<<if $PossessionMatches_Status is "Discovered">>
[[Take the matches.|RmFl1KitchenTakeMatches]]
<<if $RmFl1KitchenFaucetInspected is true>>
[[Turn on the faucet in the sink again.|RmFl1KitchenTurnOnFaucet]]
[[Turn on the faucet in the sink.|RmFl1KitchenTurnOnFaucet]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $RoomFl1MaidsRoomStatus is "Discovered">>
The servants' quarters lie to the [[east|RmFl1ServantsQuarters]].
A small door leads [[east|RmFl1ServantsQuarters]].
The dining room lies to the [[south|RmFl1DiningRoom]].
You pull the candle off its holder; it's yours now.
<<set $PossessionCandle_Status to "Taken">>
<<set $ItemsInInventory += 1>>
<<if $PossessionMatches_Status is "Taken">>
It occurs to you that you can light the candle with the matches you're carrying.
<<display RmFl1DiningRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "Limbo">>
<<display Map>>
<<if $ItemsInInventory gt 0>>
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken">>
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Lit">>
Candle (lit)
<<if $PossessionKey_Status is "Taken">>
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Taken">>
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Lit">>
Lantern (lit)
<<if $PossessionMatches_Status is "Taken">>
Version 0.1</version>
<</nobr>>The dishes stacked in the sink look like ancient scraps of food have fossilized onto them. You feel cold radiating from the faucet hanging over them.<<set $RmFl1KitchenSinkInspected to true>>
<<display RmFl1Kitchen>><<nobr>>
You pick up the box of matches; they're yours now.
<<set $PossessionMatches_Status to "Taken">><<set $ItemsInInventory += 1>>
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken">>
It occurs to you that you can light the candle you're carrying with these matches.
<<display RmFl1Kitchen>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "ServantsQuarters">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "ServantsQuarters">>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage to "Discovered">>
This is clearly the servants' quarters; it's cramped, with a small bed shoved up against walls grey and moldy with age, and a tiny dirty window through which almost no light shows. A small bathroom is revealed by a door that's fallen off its hinges.
<<if $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage is "Discovered">>
You hear something low and whispery in this room.
<<if $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
You can still hear that whispering in what you think is German.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Taken" and $PossessionMatches_Status is "Taken">>
[[Light the candle you're holding.|RmFl1ServantsQuartersLightCandle]]
[[Stay very still and listen.|RmFl1ServantsQuartersListen]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The kitchen lies to the [[west|RmFl1Kitchen]].
<</nobr>>You turn on the faucet, and freezing water pours out—strong with the stench of sea water. A quick drop on your tongue confirms it's salt water, as if from the ocean. You turn off the faucet.<<set $RmFl1KitchenFaucetInspected to true>>
<<display RmFl1Kitchen>><<nobr>>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
You stand still again and listen, this time ready—and you hear it: a woman whispering just behind you.
Not moving, you can make out words muttered in what you think is German. You remember that most servants were immigrants. She sounds sad—despairing—and you think she's saying something like "deezer booze-uh man" and "deezer arm-uh yoong-uh," over and over.
The whispering dies out, and when you turn around, there's nothing there.
<<if $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage is "Discovered">>
<<set $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage to "EvolvedOne">>
You stand still and listen very carefully, and you swear you hear someone—a woman—whispering something right behind you. Shocked, you whip around, but there's no one there.
The whispering has stopped... Or is it still there? You'd have to listen again to be able to tell for sure—and to understand what the voice is saying...
<<display RmFl1ServantsQuarters>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "FurnaceRoom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "CisternRoom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "CoalStorage">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl0Label.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "FurnaceRoom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl0FurnaceRoomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "CisternRoom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl0CisternRoomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "CoalStorage">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl0CoalStorageOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorFurnaceRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl0FurnaceRoom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl0CisternRoom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCoalStorage_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl0CoalStorage.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "DiningRoom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "EntranceHall" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "Kitchen" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "LivingRoom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "ServantsQuarters">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1Label.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "DiningRoom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1DiningRoomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "EntranceHall">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1EntranceHallOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "Kitchen">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1KitchenOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "LivingRoom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1LivingRoomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "ServantsQuarters">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1ServantsQuartersOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorFurnaceRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1BasementStairs.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorDiningRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1DiningRoom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorEntranceHall_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1EntranceHall.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorKitchen_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1Kitchen.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorLivingRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1LivingRoom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomFirstFloorServantsQuarters_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl1ServantsQuarters.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "Library" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "MainBedroom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "MainBedroomBathroom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "TaxidermyRoom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "TaxidermyRoomBathroom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "AntlerRoom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "AntlerRoomBathroom" or $LocationPlayer_Current is "UpperHall">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2Label.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "Library">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2LibraryOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "MainBedroom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2MainBedroomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "MainBedroomBathroom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2MainBedroomBathroomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "TaxidermyRoom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2SecondBedroomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "TaxidermyRoomBathroom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2SecondBedroomBathroomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "AntlerRoom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2ThirdBedroomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "AntlerRoomBathroom">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2ThirdBedroomBathroomOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "UpperHall">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2UpperHallOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorLibrary_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2Library.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2MainBedroom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroomBathroom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2MainBedroomBathroom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2SecondBedroom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoomBathroom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2SecondBedroomBathroom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2ThirdBedroom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoomBathroom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2ThirdBedroomBathroom.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2UpperHall.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl2UpperHallStairsUp.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "Attic">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl3Label.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "Attic">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl3AtticOccupied.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current is "Attic">>
<html><img src="http://theeasilyamused.com/GhostTownImages/Fl3Attic.png" alt=""></html>
<<if $RmFl1LivingRoom_BookInspected is true>>
<<set $RmFl1LivingRoom_BookInspected to true>>
The large, dusty tome sits open on a table that stretches along the back of the couch. An old-fashioned family bible that charts a clan's geneology, it's open to what seems to be the end of the line: Jeremy Wickenden, born at the beginning of the 20th century and with no recorded year of death.
Jeremy's mother, Emily Wickenden, died just a year after her son's birth. Instead of a father for Jeremy, the book lists a question mark. Jeremy's grandfather is listed as Nicholas Wickenden, also with no death date. Nicholas has no siblings or children other than Emily, making Jeremy the last of his lineage.
So that's why this house is abandoned; the Wickendens, the old New England family who built and owned it, died out. You wonder what happened to Jeremy and his grandfather, Nicholas. Odd that both their deaths would go unrecorded.
There's one more odd thing about the family tree; every third generation or so, one of the names is marked with a red symbol. Alpheus Wickenden . . . Wilbert Wickenden . . . Miles Wickenden . . . Orianna Wickenden . . . and then Jeremy has the mark as well.
<</nobr>><<display RmFl1LivingRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $RmFl1KitchenLetterInspected isnot true>>
You lift up the letter and discover a small, plain box of matches lying beneath it.
You unfold the letter to find that the bottom half has been badly burned; it looks like someone tried to destroy this missive, probably intending to drop its ashes in the stove. Maybe they were interrupted?
What's left is clearly a doctor’s note addressed to Nicholas Wickenden, reading, “Nicholas, as the attached test results show, Jeremy is a totally normal young boy. Your suspicions, if I can even call them that, have no basis in scientific reality.”
<<set $PossessionMatches_Status to "Discovered">>
<<set $RmFl1KitchenLetterInspected to true>>
The letter's bottom half has been badly burned; it looks like someone tried to destroy this missive, probably intending to drop its ashes in the stove. Maybe they were interrupted?
What's left is clearly a doctor’s note addressed to Nicholas Wickenden, reading, “Nicholas, as the attached test results show, Jeremy is a totally normal young boy. Your suspicions, if I can even call them that, have no basis in scientific reality.”
<</nobr>><<display RmFl1Kitchen>><<display LightCandle>>
<<display RmFl1LivingRoom>>You strike one of your matches and light the candle you're holding. The house immediately feels warmer and less ominous.<<set $PossessionCandle_Status to "Lit">><<display LightCandle>>
<<display RmFl1EntranceHall>><<display LightCandle>>
<<display RmFl1DiningRoom>><<display LightCandle>>
<<display RmFl1Kitchen>><<display LightCandle>>
<<display RmFl1ServantsQuarters>><<nobr>>
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHall_ShadowyCornerInspected is true>>
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Lit">>
There's a small door here, with some space behind it that could hold something like a staircase down.
This corner of the entrance hall is very dark, but you've established—by a mix of feel and squinting into the darkness—that there's a small door here, with some space behind it that could hold something like a staircase down.
<<if $PossessionCandle_Status is "Lit">>
There's a small door here, with some space behind it that could hold something like a staircase down.
This corner of the entrance hall is very dark, but you establish—by a mix of feel and squinting into the darkness—that there's a small door here, with some space behind it that could hold something like a staircase down.
<<set $RmFl1EntranceHall_BasementStairsInspected to true>>
<<if $PossessionKey_Status is "Taken">>
The door is locked—but you realize you have the key you found upstairs, and you're compelled to try it.
The door unlocks and swings open, revealing a staircase down to the basement.
<<set $PossessionKey_Status to "Used">>
But the door is locked, and you see nothing further to do here.
<<display RmFl1EntranceHall>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "UpperHall">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "UpperHall">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage to "Discovered">>
You are on the second floor, with doors off to various rooms. Above the staircase, a large round window lets in dim grey light. If you lean against the banister and stretch up on your toes, you can see out of it.
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage is "Discovered">>
A long, fraying rope hangs from the ceiling.
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
A shadowy, partially broken stairase, pulled down from the ceiling, ascends up to a dark attic. A chill wind blows down from it.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2UpperHallWindowInspected is true>>
[[Look out the window again.|RmFl2UpperHallWindow]]
[[Look out the window.|RmFl2UpperHallWindow]]
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage is "Discovered">>
[[Inspect the rope hanging from the ceiling.|RmFl2UpperHallPullRope]]
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
<<if $RmFl2UpperFloor_StairsToAtticInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the stairs heading up again.|RmFl2UpperHallStairsToAttic]]
[[Inspect the stairs heading up.|RmFl2UpperHallStairsToAttic]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
<<if $RmFl2UpperFloor_StairsToAtticInspected is true>>
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Lit">>
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Lit" and $RmFl2UpperHall_SeenBoy isnot true>>
Stairs head to a darkened floor [[up above|RmFl2UpperHallSeeBoy]]; they're a bit busted up, but with the steady light from your lantern, you should be able to traverse them.
Stairs head to a darkened floor [[up above|RmFl3Attic]]; they're a bit busted up, but with the steady light from your lantern, you should be able to traverse them.
Stairs head to a darkened floor up above, but they look barely functional; you need to find a hardier source of illumination than your lit candle to be sure.
Stairs head to a darkened floor up above, but they look barely functional; you should inspect them before attempting to go that way.
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
A door leads to the [[east|RmFl2MainBedroom]].
The house's main bedroom is [[east|RmFl2MainBedroom]].
<<if $RoomSecondFloorLibrary_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
There's a set of double doors to the [[south|RmFl2Library]].
The library lies to the [[south|RmFl2Library]].
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
There's a door to the [[southwest|RmFl2TaxidermyRoom]].
The taxidermy room lies to the [[southwest|RmFl2TaxidermyRoom]].
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
A door lies to the [[west|RmFl2AntlerRoom]].
The antler room lies to the [[west|RmFl2AntlerRoom]].
<<if $RmFl3Attic_BoyEncountered is true>>
A large staircase leads [[down|EndgameIntro]] to the house's entrance hall.
A large staircase leads [[down|RmFl1EntranceHall]] to the house's entrance hall.
<</nobr>><<set $RmFl1EntranceHallFloorInspected to true>>Crouching down, you see that the glass crunching under your feet is from shattered pieces of an old crystal chandelier.
Looking up, you can barely make out the remnants of the thick, frayed rope that once held it aloft. It must have been quite a crash when it fell. You hope no one was in this room when that happened.
<<display RmFl1EntranceHall>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "MainBedroom" and $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "MainBedroom">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
As you walk into the room, you're suddenly smacked in the face and blinded.
After a frantic moment, you brush something off your face and realize it was a stray piece of paper, one of many being blown around the room.
<<set $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroom_Stage is "Discovered">>
The walls of this large bedroom are marked by long curls of heavily water-damaged damasque wallpaper, peeling off and dangling to the ground. Otherwise, the room is filled with wooden furniture—a large bed, an ornate desk, dresser drawers, shelving around a soot-choked fireplace—that's all been smashed and now lies in piles on the floor.
Papers loosed from the shattered desk flutter around the room, which is drafty thanks to a partly shattered window letting in the damp wind from outside.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2MainBedroom_PapersInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the papers on the ground again.|RmFl2MainBedroomPapers]]
[[Inspect the papers on the ground.|RmFl2MainBedroomPapers]]
<<if $RmFl2MainBedroom_LookOutWindow is true>>
[[Look out the window again.|RmFl2MainBedroomWindow]]
[[Look out the window.|RmFl2MainBedroomWindow]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The upper hall is [[west|RmFl2UpperHall]].
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroomBathroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
Double doors lie to the [[north|RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom]].
This bedroom's large bathroom lies to the [[north|RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom]].
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "MainBedroomBathroom">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "MainBedroomBathroom">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroomBathroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroomBathroom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorMainBedroomBathroom_Stage is "Discovered">>
This large bathroom has clearly gone unused for decades. Large, frosted-glass windows let little to no light in, and a large, very deep bathtub looks like a distinct drowning risk. Above a very old-fashioned wooden double vanity sit three large, shattered mirrors, their remaining shards sitting in the frames like broken teeth.
<<if $RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom_MirrorsInspected is true>>
And you think you can hear a faint whispering in the room . . .
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom_MirrorsInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the broken mirrors again.|RmFl2MainBedroomBathroomMirrors]]
[[Inspect the broken mirrors.|RmFl2MainBedroomBathroomMirrors]]
<<if $RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom_MirrorsInspected is true>>
<<if $RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom_Listened is true>>
[[Listen to the faint whispering again.|RmFl2MainBedroomBathroomWhispering]]
[[Listen to the faint whispering.|RmFl2MainBedroomBathroomWhispering]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The main bedroom lies to the [[south|RmFl2MainBedroom]].
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "Library">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "Library">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorLibrary_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorLibrary_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorLibrary_Stage is "Discovered">>
This musty old room was clearly the house's library. A large wooden desk sits imposingly amid shelves of disintegrating volumes casting out a thick, mildewy stench.
An ornately carved fireplace, designed to look like giant lion's mouth, yawns open across one wall. Atop the desk lies a vivid blue journal that's somehow escaped this room's decay.
<<if $RmFl2LibraryLetterFound is true>>Beside it is the letter you found in this room earlier.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2Library_FireplaceInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the fireplace again.|RmFl2LibraryFireplace]]
[[Inspect the fireplace.|RmFl2LibraryFireplace]]
<<if $RmFl2Library_JournalInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the journal again.|RmFl2LibraryJournal]]
[[Inspect the journal.|RmFl2LibraryJournal]]
<<if $RmFl2LibraryLetterFound is true>>
[[Inspect the letter again.|RmFl2LibraryLetterReread]]
<<if $RmFl2Library_FireplaceInspected is true and $PossessionKey_Status is "Discovered">>
[[Search the soot in the fireplace.|RmFl2LibraryKey]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $PossessionKey_Status is "Taken" and $RmFl2LibraryLetterFound isnot true>>
The upper hall lies to the [[north|RmFl2UpperHallLetterFound]].
The upper hall lies to the [[north|RmFl2UpperHall]].
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "TaxidermyRoom" and $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "TaxidermyRoom">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
You open the door to this room only to rear back as a large, dark shape seems to lunge at you—but after a moment, you realize it's a giant, stuffed Canada Goose, positioned as if taking off in flight.
For some reason the taxidermied goose has been positioned right over the bed. You can't imagine sleeping underneath that thing.
<<set $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoom_Stage is "Discovered">>
This is a small, old-fashioned bedroom, mostly well-preserved—although everything is covered in dust—and dominated by the giant taxidermied goose perched mid-flight over the bed.
You hear a low but distinct tapping sound.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2TaxidermyRoom_GooseInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the stuffed goose again.|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomGoose]]
[[Inspect the stuffed goose.|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomGoose]]
<<if $RmFl2TaxidermyRoom_TappingInspected is true>>
[[Look for the source of the tapping again.|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomTapping]]
[[Look for the source of the tapping.|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomTapping]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The upper hall is to the [[northeast|RmFl2UpperHall]].
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoomBathroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
A door lies to the [[northwest|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroom]].
This bedroom's bathroom is to the [[northwest|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroom]].
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "AntlerRoom">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "AntlerRoom">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "Discovered">>
This old bedroom has walls covered with antlers—many of which have fallen and shattered on the floor, making it somewhat perilous to walk around in here.
The bed's only covering is a white sheet, which has a dark, red-black stain the size of a person running down the center of it.
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
This old bedroom has walls covered with antlers—many of which have fallen and shattered on the floor, making it somewhat perilous to walk around in here.
The bed's only covering is a white sheet, which has a dark, red-black stain the size of a person running down the center of it.
A young boy, looking around seven, pale with dark shadows under his eyes, is crouched halfway under the bed and staring at you. He's wearing a long, white dressing gown, and he's crying.
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "EvolvedTwo">>
This old bedroom has walls covered with antlers—many of which have fallen and shattered on the floor, making it somewhat perilous to walk around in here.
The bed's only covering is a white sheet, which has a dark, red-black stain the size of a person running down the center of it.
You can't shake your memory of the sobbing young boy you mysteriously encountered here, but he's now gone, leaving no trace of him behind—except your unease and confusion.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2AntlerRoom_StainInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the stain on the bed again.|RmFl2AntlerRoomStain]]
[[Inspect the stain on the bed.|RmFl2AntlerRoomMeetBoy]]
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
[[Talk to the boy.|RmFl2AntlerRoomTalkToBoy]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
The upper hall is to the [[east|RmFl2AntlerRoomBoyRunsAhead]].
The upper hall is to the [[east|RmFl2UpperHall]].
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoomBathroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
A door lies to the [[southwest|RmFl2AntlerRoomBathroom]].
This bedroom's bathroom is to the [[southwest|RmFl2AntlerRoomBathroom]].
<<if $RmFl2UpperHallWindowInspected is true>>
More cautiously this time, you stretch up on your toes, brace against the banister, and look out the window onto a rain-lashed landscape, sheets of precipitation revealing only the barest shapes of neighboring buildings, all under a dark grey sky.
And you feel it again... Someone is watching you.
This time when you whip around there really is no one there—but you know what you felt.
You stretch up on your toes, brace against the banister, and look out the window onto a rain-lashed landscape, sheets of precipitation revealing only the barest shapes of neighboring buildings, all under a dark grey sky.
And then you feel it... Someone is watching you.
You whip around and there's no one—but then you hear the whisper of someone running away, and you think you see, amid the shadows, a small, dark figure slipping through a crack in a door to the
<<=either("east,", "south,", "southwest,", "northwest,")>> which then softly closes.
The upper hall is silent. Did you imagine it?
<<set $RmFl2UpperHallWindowInspected to true>>
<</nobr>><<display RmFl2UpperHall>><<nobr>>
<<if $RmFl2Library_FireplaceInspected is true>>
<<set $RmFl2Library_FireplaceInspected to true>>
The fireplace is so expertly carved to look like a lion's jaws, you almost worry it's going to close on you if you get too close.
<<if $PossessionKey_Status is "Taken">>
The thick pile of soot that lies like a dead tongue inside it is disturbed from where you fetched the key.
<<if $PossessionKey_Status is "Discovered">>
Among the thick pile of soot that lies like a dead tongue inside it, you see a glint of light.
<<if $PossessionKey_Status is "Undiscovered">>
Among the thick pile of soot that lies like a dead tongue inside it, you see a glint of light.
<<set $PossessionKey_Status to "Discovered">>
<</nobr>><<display RmFl2Library>><<set $RmFl2Library_JournalInspected to true>>The journal is well cared for, but opening it reveals mostly blank pages, save for barely legible handwriting on a few in the beginning. Looking closely, you can make out only a handful of phrases:
"...the boy inherited the curse..."
"...she doesn't believe me..."
"...he can't control it..."
That's the most you're able to decipher.
<<display RmFl2Library>>
You root through the grey soot near where you saw a glint of light, and it crumbles away to reveal a small, golden key. You pocket it, wondering what it might unlock.
<<set $PossessionKey_Status to "Taken">>
<<set $ItemsInInventory += 1>>
<</nobr>><<display RmFl2Library>><<set $RmFl2MainBedroom_LookOutWindow to true>>It's unclear what shattered ever other pane in this colonial window, glass shards still stuck in its frame, but all you can make out beyond is roiling grey of sheets of rain, in the stormy half-twilight that makes it impossible to tell what time of day it is.
<<display RmFl2MainBedroom>><<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl2MainBedroom_PapersInspected to true>>
At first look, the papers seem to be universally water-damaged and ruined beyond legibility. But nestled in the remains of the desk lies an article that seems freshly clipped out of a newspaper.
It's an obituary notice, announcing that Emily Wickenden has died "due to an accident at home," and is survived by her father, Nicholas, and her infant son, Jeremy. A line has been drawn through the cause of death—"an accident"—and scrawled over it, like a correction, are the words "not listening to her father."
<<display RmFl2MainBedroom>>
<<set $RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom_MirrorsInspected to true>>
The mirrors' shards reflect a partial, mixed-up view back at you.
Although . . . just before you look away, you think you see something else moving within them.
The glimpse of it is gone as soon as you see it—but now you can hear a faint whispering in the room.
<<display RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom>>
<<if $RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom_Listened is true>>
Listening closely again, at first you hear nothing. You're about to give up, but then there it is once more—as if from a hundred feet away, carried by the wind—that same faint argument, as a female voice says, "You're wrong, he's not dangerous!"
A male voice rumbles in response, but you can't make out any words, and then the woman replies, "You're wrong," over and over, until it melts into the background noise of the house and you're unsure you ever heard anything at all.
<<set $RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom_Listened to true>>
Listening closely, you hear—as if from a hundred feet away, carried by the wind—a faint conversation. No, an argument, as a female voice says, "You're wrong, he's not dangerous!"
A male voice rumbles in response, but you can't make out any words, and then the woman replies, "You're wrong," over and over, until it melts into the background noise of the house and you're unsure you ever heard anything at all.
<<display RmFl2MainBedroomBathroom>><<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl2TaxidermyRoom_GooseInspected to true>>
The stuffed goose is posed in a state of alarm, like it's come across an enemy midflight.
It looks well taken care of, but you remember reading about how old taxidermy was preserved using mercruy and arsenic, so just touching this goose could be deadly. You decide to stay away.
<</nobr>><<display RmFl2TaxidermyRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $RmFl2TaxidermyRoom_TappingInspected is true>>
Listening again, you feel like it definitely sounds like the tapping is coming from somewhere in this room—and as you search once more for its source, wandering around the room listening, the sound seems to react to your search with ever louder tap Tap TAPs.
You feel driven in your search by the tapping's climb a fever pitch. Is there someone in here with you?
As you crouch to look below the bed, the tapping gets louder, louder, LOUDER—and then stops, just as you discover no one's under there.
<<set $RmFl2TaxidermyRoom_TappingInspected to true>>
It definitely sounds like the tapping is coming from somewhere in this room—and as you search for its source, wandering around the room listening, the sound seems to react to your search with ever louder tap Tap TAPs.
You feel driven in your search by the tapping's climb to a fever pitch. Is there someone in here with you?
As you crouch to look below the bed, the tapping gets louder, louder, LOUDER—and then stops, just as you discover no one's under there.
<</nobr>><<display RmFl2TaxidermyRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "TaxidermyRoomBathroom" and $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoomBathroom_Stage isnot "Undiscovered">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "TaxidermyRoomBathroom">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoomBathroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoomBathroom_Stage to "Discovered">>
You enter this room—a medium-sized bathroom—and the door slams shut behind you.
There's suddenly a very loud knock on the door, startling you.
<<if $RoomSecondFloorTaxidermyRoomBathroom_Stage is "Discovered">>
This small bathroom has a marble sink atop wooden drawers—and a large porcelain bathtub that's been cracked in two.
The room's only door closed after you entered, and the sound of the sharp knock on it is still very strong in your memory.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroom_BathtubInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the broken bathtub again.|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroomBathtub]]
[[Inspect the broken bathtub.|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroomBathtub]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The taxidermy room lies to the [[east|RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroomLeaving]].
<<if $LocationPlayer_Current isnot "AntlerRoomBathroom">>
<<display HouseNoise>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "AntlerRoomBathroom">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoomBathroom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoomBathroom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoomBathroom_Stage is "Discovered">>
This bathroom is remarkably well-preserved, and features a built-in bathtub, a deep tin basin surrounded by dark wooden paneling extending out from the vanity, also a build-in.
The bathtub is, weirdly, full to the very brim with what appears to be clean, clear water. The surface ripples slightly, and it's difficult to see down into its dark depths.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl2AntlerRoomBathroom_TubInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the tub again.|RmFl2AntlerRoomBathroomTub]]
[[Inspect the tub.|RmFl2AntlerRoomBathroomTub]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The antler room is to the [[east|RmFl2AntlerRoom]].
<<set $RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroom_BathtubInspected to true>>
What was once a finely wrought porcelain clawfoot bathtub has been smashed into two large pieces right down the middle, like it was hit by Thor's hammer.
Dirty water pools in the broken, titled halves.
<</nobr>><<display RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroom>><<nobr>>
<<if $RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroom_LeftBefore is true>>
You open the door to leave—and yet again, a bloodcurling scream erupts in your ears!
You whip around, but as before, there's no one there. The scream echoing in your eardrums, you shakily exit the bathroom.
<<set $RmFl2TaxidermyRoomBathroom_LeftBefore to true>>
You open the door to leave—and a bloodcurling scream erupts in your ear!
You whip around, but there's no one there. As the scream echoes in your eardrums, you shakily exit the bathroom.
<<display RmFl2TaxidermyRoom>><<nobr>>
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "EvolvedOne">>
With the boy crouched half under the bed, staring at you, you don't feel comfortable stepping any closer and looking at the bed over his head. You'd be too distracted anyway by his presence to really inspect the bed again.
Should you try talking to him?
Once again, you carefully step amid the shattered antler pieces on the floor up to the bed, only to see that the stain is definitely an old blood stain. From the looks of it, an entire person bled to death here, and now that you're standing next to it, the stench of old, dark rot is overpowering.
<<display RmFl2AntlerRoom>><<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl2AntlerRoom_StainInspected to true>>
You carefully step amid the shattered antler pieces on the floor up to the bed, only to see that the stain is definitely an old blood stain. From the looks of it, an entire person bled to death here, and now that you're standing next to it, the stench of old, dark rot is overpowering.
Someone grabs your leg from below the bed.
You jerk backward, just barely managing not to fall onto the perilously spike-filled floor. A young boy, pale with dark shadows under his eyes, is crouched halfway under the bed. He's wearing a long, white dressing gown, and he's crying.
<<set $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage to "EvolvedOne">>
<<display RmFl2AntlerRoom>><<nobr>>
You have many questions for the boy, but the one that comes out first is, "Who are you?"
"You can't help me," he replies, wracked with fresh sobs. "There's no way to make Grandfather listen."
Before you can reply, he races past you out of the room, effortlessly stepping between the shattered antlers on the floor as if they aren't there. He disappears into the upper hall.
<<set $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage to "EvolvedTwo">>
<<display RmFl2AntlerRoom>><<nobr>>
As soon as you move toward the room's exit, the boy darts in front of you.
"I knew you wouldn't help me," he replies, wracked with fresh sobs. "There's no way to make Grandfather listen."
He races past you out of the room, effortlessly stepping between the shattered antlers on the floor as if they aren't there. He disappears into the upper hall, and you're too surprised to follow him.
<<set $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage to "EvolvedTwo">>
<<display RmFl2AntlerRoom>><<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl2AntlerRoomBathroom_TubInspected to true>>
You step up to the deep, dark bathtub, eyeing the sloshing water that seems just on the verge of spilling over onto the floor, and look down—but despite the seemingly clean contents, you can't see the bottom.
You also can't see any reason for the water to be constantly restless, but it is: ripples cascade across it. The tub //appears// to be empty, but since you can't see all the way to the bottom, you can't be sure.
You also can't imagine any universe in which you'd reach into the water to find out. Unsettled, you step back.
<<display RmFl2AntlerRoomBathroom>><<nobr>>
<<set $RoomSecondFloorUpperHall_Stage to "EvolvedOne">>
You tug on the fraying rope and it seems to have no give. You're nervous about snapping it, considering its mangy state, but you try again with more force—and a large rectangle of the ceiling pulls free and descends at an angle, revealing a partially broken, shadowy staircase up to a dark attic.
A chilling draft descends from the midnight above.
<<display RmFl2UpperHall>><<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl2UpperFloor_StairsToAtticInspected to true>>
The stairs you've pulled down from the ceiling were probably always somewhat rickety—but now every other step looks broken and untrustworthy, at least as far as you can see. Halfway up the flight, everything disappears into the pure darkness descending from the black hole in the ceiling.
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Lit">>
When you lean forward, a chill wind blows down from above—but your lantern's flame is protected and steady.
You're able to see that while the stairway is treacherous, you can pick out a pathway to traverse it.
When you lean forward, your candle's flame sputters in the chill wind from above and nearly goes out. You back away.
You won't be able to tell if this stairway is safe to use unless you find a hardier source of illumination.
<<display RmFl2UpperHall>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "CisternRoom">>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage is "Discovered">>
After a struggle to push open the tight, heavy door into this room, you step down a few inches from the main basement's stone floor onto compacted dirt. The air is thick with moisture as water pours from a complex of pipes at the ceiling down into a muddy round well on the far side of the room.
You realize the rain outside is threatening to overflow the cistern.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
[[Inspect the cistern.|RmFl0CisternRoomCistern]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The furnace room lies to the [[west|RmFl0FurnaceRoom]].
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "CoalStorage">>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCoalStorage_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
<<set $RoomBasementFloorCoalStorage_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomBasementFloorCoalStorage_Stage is "Discovered">>
This room is dominated by a massive pile of dusty grey coal streaked with brown dirt. An earthy, slightly rotten smell dominates the room.
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Undiscovered">>
A thin line of metal, a few inches long, pokes out of the coal pile about halfway down.
A filthy pair of shovels and pails sit in the corner.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl0CoalStorage_CoalPileInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the coal pile again.|RmFl0CoalStorageCoalPile]]
[[Inspect the coal pile.|RmFl0CoalStorageCoalPile]]
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Undiscovered">>
[[Inspect the piece of metal in the coal pile.|RmFl0CoalStorageMetal]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Taken">>
There's a door to the [[west|RmFl0FurnaceRoom_LanternLighting]].
There's a door to the [[west|RmFl0FurnaceRoom]].
<<set $RmFl0FurnaceRoom_FurnanceInspected to true>>
Furnace vents like fat tentacles extend across the ceiling, leading to different heating spots in the house up above. Opening the furnace's front grate, you see what seems to be a good stock of burning coal, enough to keep it running for another few hours.
Who's shoved coal in here recently? And why is this antique still being used to heat this house? There are no answers, beyond the fiery reality of the climate-changing monster in front of you.
<<display RmFl0FurnaceRoom>><<set $RoomBasementFloorCisternRoom_Stage to "EvolvedOne">>As you approach the cistern, it begins to overflow. Muddy water sloshes cross the floor toward your feet, rising faster than seems possible.
You leap back out to the furnace room, pulling the cistern room's heavy door shut after you just before the flooding tide begins to escape. You hope that door is watertight.
<<display RmFl0FurnaceRoom>><<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl0CoalStorage_CoalPileInspected to true>>
Looming high over your head, the coal pile is shoved up against the wall in a way that makes you worry a subtle shift could make the whole thing landslide down onto you.
<<if $PossessionLantern_Status is "Undiscovered">>
You still see that shiny bit of metal, a thread a few inches long, halfway down the pile.
<<display RmFl0CoalStorage>><<nobr>>
Looking closely, you see the line of metal is actually a buried handle. Instinctively, you tug on it—and the pile of coal shifts like a living thing, moving its massive bulk from one corner of the room to the other, throwing off dust like a sawmill.
You hold your breath, wondering if it's all going to shift down on top of you—but the coal just repositions itself in the room, and leaves bare the old keroscene lantern you're now holding.
You now have a lantern, but it occurs to you that you should not light it in this room full of coal dust. In fact, you've been foolishly standing here with a lit candle, and you should probably leave pretty quickly.
<<set $PossessionLantern_Status to "Taken">>
<<set $ItemsInInventory += 1>>
<</nobr>><<display RmFl0CoalStorage>><<nobr>>
As you shut the coal storage door, it occurs to you that it's now safe to light the lantern. You use your candle to ignite the lantern, which is now a stronger, easier-to-carry light.
You extinguish the candle, then drop it and the matches. If you need them again, they'll still be here for you.
<<set $PossessionLantern_Status to "Lit">>
<<set $PossessionMatches_Status to "Dropped">>
<<set $PossessionCandle_Status to "Dropped">>
<<set $ItemsInInventory -= 2>>
<<display RmFl0FurnaceRoom>><<nobr>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "Attic">>
<<if $RoomThirdFloorAttic_Stage is "Undiscovered">>
As you approach the attic, you see its door is hanging ajar, the area around the doorknob busted open. The remnants of the knob, its locking mechanism, and surrounding wood lie on the top steps.
You step over them and into the attic.
<<set $RoomThirdFloorAttic_Stage to "Discovered">>
<<if $RoomThirdFloorAttic_Stage is "Discovered">>
This is a long room with a low ceiling, angled in on both sides. It looks like a combination nursery/child's bedroom, and is filthy.
Along one wall, a child's drawings of bright nature scenes are taped up to create an imaginary window, labeled "OUTSIDE." A few roughly hewn wooden toys complete the scene, including a policeman figure that lies broken next to the busted-open door.
You hear <<=either("pounding rain against the roof from the strengthening storm outside.", "the crash of nearby thunder.", "the banshee wail of high winds buffeting the house.")>>
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl3Attic_ToyInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the broken toy again.|RmFl3AtticToy]]
[[Inspect the broken toy.|RmFl3AtticToy]]
<<if $RmFl3Attic_DrawingsInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the drawings again.|RmFl3AtticDrawings]]
[[Inspect the drawings.|RmFl3AtticDrawings]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
<<if $RmFl3Attic_BoyEncountered is true>>
Stairs lead [[down|RmFl2UpperHall]] to the second floor's upper hall.
Stairs lead [[down|RmFl3Attic_BoyEncounter]] to the second floor's upper hall.
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<set $RmFl0FurnaceRoom_SeenBoy to true>>
You're just about to go up the stairs when you see movement in your peripheral vision.
Swinging your lantern around, you think you see the flash of a small figure running away—but when you hold your light high, there's no one there.
Did you hear a whisper of something, too? If so, you didn't understand it, and now the room is quiet and empty.
You head upstairs.
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "EntranceHall">>
<<display RmFl1EntranceHall>><<nobr>><<set $RmFl1EntranceHall_SeenBoy to true>>
You're about to ascend to the second floor when lightning flashes, whiting out your vision. It recovers just in time for you to glimpse someone small—the size of a grade school child—running past you.
Spinning, you fail to catch them before they've disappeared further into the house—but you're sure you heard them saying "I'm not" and then something garbled.
//I'm not . . . what?// If you really did see and hear someone, they're gone now.
You head up the stairs.
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "UpperHall">>
<<display RmFl2UpperHall>><<nobr>><<set $RmFl2UpperHall_SeenBoy to true>>
Just as you're about to start climbing the stairs, a boy's voice just behind you shouts, "I'm not cursed!"
Whipping around, you see a young boy staring at
<<if $RoomSecondFloorAntlerRoom_Stage is "EvolvedTwo">>
you—the same boy you saw in the antler room.
<</if>> Startled to encounter another person in the house, you can only stare as he again says, "I'm not cursed."
And then he races off, disappearing down the stairs to the next floor, his form vanishing into the shadows, even the sound of his footsteps fading into silence.
After a long moment, you see nothing else to do but resume ascending the rickety stairs in front of you.
<<display RmFl3Attic>><<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl2LibraryLetterFound to true>>
As you approach the door out, you step on a folded-up piece of paper you didn't notice before, just inside the room.
You retrieve it and see it's a short letter to Nicholas Wickenden. It reads: I apologize for expressing my concern so bluntly, but how can Jeremy, your heir, flourish when the boy never seems to be let outside the house?
I know we don't speak to each other as we once did, but I hope the superstitious mania over the Wickenden family "curse" has not now gripped you, Nicholas. It is nonsense!
Please let me know when I might call upon you and the boy. You both are always welcome at Lockwood Hall, as you know.
Sincerely and with growing alarm, Bradley Lockwood
You put the letter atop the desk, beside the journal, and exit the room.
<<display RmFl2UpperHall>> <<nobr>>
You pick up the short letter you found earlier. It's addressed to Nicholas Wickenden, and reads: I apologize for expressing my concern so bluntly, but how can Jeremy, your heir, flourish when the boy never seems to be let outside the house?
I know we don't speak to each other as we once did, but I hope the superstitious mania over the Wickenden family "curse" has not now gripped you, Nicholas. It is nonsense!
Please let me know when I might call upon you and the boy. You both are always welcome at Lockwood Hall, as you know.
Sincerely and with growing alarm, Bradley Lockwood
You put the letter back atop the desk, beside the journal.
<<display RmFl2Library>> <<nobr>>
<<set $RmFl3Attic_ToyInspected to true>>
There are number of roughly hewn and painted wooden toys scattered around the attic, but the largest one—a policeman—lies near the shattered attic door.
The policeman's head is heavily damaged. Itlooks like it was used to bash the door open from the inside—meaning the attic door locked from the outside, and smashing it was probably the only way for the attic's occupant to escape.
<<display RmFl3Attic>>
<<set $RmFl3Attic_DrawingsInspected to true>>
The drawings hung on the wall seem to cover a period of years; while all the pictures are colorful and childlike, some betray a growing level of detail and ability, as does their arrangement into a make-believe window under the label "OUTSIDE."
Looking closely, you notice three figures in the outdoor landscape depicted across the drawings. There's a young boy, arms outstretched toward a woman who's waving goodbye, and—near the edge of the window—the dark figure of an elderly man, watching angrily.
<<display RmFl3Attic>>
<<set $RmFl3Attic_BoyEncountered to true>>
Just before you leave the attic, someone shouts just behind you, "We can't stay here!"
You spin around and see a thin boy of about six, pale with brown hair and large, deepset eyes. He's wearing a ragged dressing gown and staring at you with grim determination.
"The storm is growing!" he shouts. "We must flee! I know it!"
The wind heaves outside and seems to push against the house like a giant hand, and you feel the whole building shake, you smell rain peeking through its seams and cracks, and then lightning seems to flash up everywhere around you as thunder cracks overhead.
The boy screams and runs past you, out to the stairs and down them.
After a moment to recover your senses, you follow him. As you arrive at the upper hall, you clearly hear shouting—from what sounds like a young boy and an old man—down near the front door to the house.
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "UpperHall">>
<<display RmFl2UpperHall>><<nobr>>
<<if $RmFl3Attic_BoyEncountered is true>>
<<set $ClimaxNoise to either("You still hear that shouting—growing louder—down near the front door.", "You hear the shouted words “Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” clearly from down near the house's front door.", "The shrill screams of the winds outside keep you from making out the words of the shouting downstairs, but you can still hear it.", "The shouting downstairs continues, even as booming thunder shakes the house.", "The shouted conversation downstairs seems to rise and fall in intensity, just like the winds and rain buffeting the house.", "“Why won't you listen to me?” yelled from downstairs, drifts up to your ears.")>>
<<set $HouseNoise to either("no", "no", "yes", "no")>>
<<if $HouseNoise is "yes">>
<!--if clause A1-->
<<if $HouseNoisesRound1.length is 0>>
<!--if clause B1-->
<<if $HouseNoisesRound2.length is 0>>
<!--if clause C1-->
<<if $HouseNoisesRound3.length is 0>>
<!--if clause D1-->
<<set $HouseNoisesRound3= ["rain hammering into the building with terrifying fury.", "a sharp crack so painfully loud, it takes you a moment to register it as merely thunder.", "the shrill scream of wind so near and sharp, it feels like it's right in your ears.", "a sharp, startling shout of, ”Go back to your room! Go back to your room!“ from seemingly right nearby, but spinning around, you see no one—and the words cut off mid-repeat."]>>
<<set $NoiseHeard to $HouseNoisesRound3.pluck()>>
As you move through the house, you hear $NoiseHeard
<!--if clause D2-->
<<set $NoiseHeard to $HouseNoisesRound3.pluck()>>
As you move through the house, you hear $NoiseHeard
<!--if clause D3-->
<!--if clause C2-->
<<set $NoiseHeard to $HouseNoisesRound2.pluck()>>
As you move through the house, you hear $NoiseHeard
<!--if clause C3-->
<!--if clause B2-->
<<set $NoiseHeard to $HouseNoisesRound1.pluck()>>
As you move through the house, you hear $NoiseHeard
<!--if clause B3-->
<!--if clause A2-->
<!--if clause A3-->
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "EntranceHall">>
You enter the entrance hall and are surprised to find it empty. You're not sure why you thought you heard shouting here. In fact, you were sure you heard it—but there's no one here.
Outside, the storm seems to lighten its assault—a break from the thunder, and the rain lessenes its pounding again the house.
This is an expansive room, currently filled with shadows, but you can make out a broken-down grand staircase that once curled around the walls and led up to the second floor. Cracked wooden panelling surrounds you, and shattered glass crunches under your feet.
Doors lead to many other parts of this floor.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $RmFl1EntranceHallFloorInspected is true>>
[[Inspect the glass underfoot again.|EndgameJeremyConvo1]]
[[Inspect the glass underfoot.|EndgameJeremyConvo1]]
---- ''EXITS'' ----
The staircase to the second floor is [[north|EndgameJeremyConvo1]], and you can now light your way to using it safely.
Double doors to the living room lead [[east|EndgameJeremyConvo1]].
The front door of the house lies [[south|EndgameJeremyConvo1]].
The dining room is through a set of double doors to the [[west|EndgameJeremyConvo1]].
Stairs down to the basement lie behind an unlocked door to the [[northwest|EndgameJeremyConvo1]].
<<if $EndgameConvo1IntroSeen is true>>
<<set $JeremyStatus to $JeremyStatusOptions.pluck()>>
The boy stares at you from his deep-set eyes, $JeremyStatus
<<set $EndgameConvo1IntroSeen to true>>
As soon as you turn away from the center of the room, you hear a young boy shouting, "Why won't you listen to me? We //need// to leave!"
You turn to see the same pale, dark-haired boy you've seen before, in a long white dressing gown, around the age of seven or eight, with deep circles under his eyes. He's looking at you pleadingly, and says, "The storm will destroy this house. I've seen it. We need to leave!"
<<set $JeremyStatusOptions= ["biting his lip in frustration.", "his eyes shading from pleading into angry.", "his fists tightly balled at his sides.", "standing still but shaking with barely suppressed emotion."]>>
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $EndgameConvo1AskedIdentity is true>>
[[Ask the boy who he is.|EndgameJeremyConvo1_WhoAreYou]]
<<if $EndgameConvo1AskedYear is true>>
[[Ask what year he thinks it is.|EndgameJeremyConvo1_WhatYear]]
<<if $EndgameConvo1ToldHelpRest is true>>
[[Tell him you want to help him rest.|EndgameJeremyConvo1_HelpRest]]
<<if $EndgameConvo1AskedIdentity is true and $EndgameConvo1AskedYear is true and $EndgameConvo1ToldHelpRest is true>>
[[Ask where his grandfather is.|EndgameNicholasMemoriesIntro]]
<<if $EndgameConvo1WarnedGrandfather is true>>
[[Ask again where his grandfather is.|EndgameNicholasMemoriesIntro]]
[[Ask where his grandfather is.|EndgameJeremyConvo1_GrandfatherWarning]]
<<set $EndgameConvo1AskedIdentity to true>>
When you ask who he is, the boy gets agitated, and suddenly he's shouting at you. "I'm your nephew, Jeremy! Stop playing games. We have to leave!"
He quiets down, but still radiates intensity.
<</nobr>><<display EndgameJeremyConvo1>><<nobr>>
<<set $EndgameConvo1AskedYear to true>>
The boy looks at you quizzically, then says, "Grandfather, this isn't time for schooling. The storm is coming. I have seen rain and winds inside the house. We have to flee!"
He pauses, and when you say nothing, asks, "Do you not hear me?"
<</nobr>><<display EndgameJeremyConvo1>><<nobr>>
<<set $EndgameConvo1ToldHelpRest to true>>
The boy violently shakes his head. "I do not need to //rest//! We need to leave! The storm will destroy this house and the town!"
When you don't reply, he says in an anguished voice, "You always say we cannot leave, we cannot leave, we cannot leave. But we will die here!"
<</nobr>><<display EndgameJeremyConvo1>><<nobr>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "Limbo">>
The boy stares at you for a long moment.
The silence draws out.
Finally he says, "You're my grandfather, you stupid man." As he says it, you feel strange—your body different, your thoughts falling into unfamiliar patterns. And you feel very old.
You look down and realize you have the clothes and body of a thin, pale old man from over a hundred years ago, wearing a striped shirt with ivory buttons and dark blue trousers in an ancient style, dark blotches spotting and veins knotting your gnarled hands and bony wrists.
And you see, top of mind, a new memory: meeting your newborn grandson for the first time, birthed in his mother's bed upstairs to avoid scandal—for the father is not to be spoken of. Your daughter Emily is beaming through tears at the tiny baby in her arms, and you clap the midwife on the back and shout in glee—but the memory is tinged with blue grief at what would happen later.
There are other memories to explore in this new mind—or you can focus on the present with your grandson Jeremy and the storm that's riled him up so.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
[[Remember being informed of your father's death.|NicholasMemoryFatherDeath]]
[[Bring to mind your discovery of Emily's body.|NicholasMemoryEmilyBody]]
[[Recall lying to Jeremy about his mother's death.|NicholasMemoryLyingToJeremy]]
[[Focus on the present, with Jeremy and the storm.|NicholasMemorySkipWarning]]
<<set $EndgameConvo1WarnedGrandfather to true>>
You start to ask where the boy's grandfather is, and he tenses up. You get the sense that this question will be the last one this boy answers for you.
You should ask about the grandfather only once your curiosity on other fronts has been satisfied.
<</nobr>><<display EndgameJeremyConvo1>><<nobr>>
<<set $MemoryFatherDeathExperienced to true>>
You are a young child, long, long ago. It is one of your first memories—your own grandfather, who you call "Poppy," is taking you for a long walk in the falling snow. You are freezing as he tells you that your father won't be coming home again.
He says the family has a curse that hits at least one of you a generation. You've heard this whispered around the house. The cursed can see the future, and when they have a strong emotion, it can affect the very air around them and become dangerous. This happened, Poppy explains. You father became upset, and he died.
Poppy won't take your hand, he won't even look at you as he says this, and the snow is falling harder and harder. You feel like you are walking into nothing—a white, empty world where the only things left are the truths that your father was cursed, and it killed him.
<<display EndgameNicholasMemoryHub>>
<<set $MemoryEmilyBodyExperienced to true>>
You return to the house and immediately hear the infant Jeremy crying somewhere upstairs.
You can't help flinching. It is far from certain he's free of the family curse. Thus you've told his mother Emily countless times: She must keep him quieted. You know she doesn't believe you. That is why you hate leaving them alone together in the house—but you had errands that needed doing.
Jeremy is truly howling.
You go upstairs to admonish Emily and find her body, broken, twisted, and bloody, lying halfway out of her room. Terror is frozen on her face as she no doubt fled her son's bassinet and the power pouring out of it—the inchoate rage of a baby, transformed by the curse into a deadly force.
Through your horror, you're already planning: You'll have to bury her jewels in the back and stage a break-in. And then keep Jeremy calm and at home—forever.
<<display EndgameNicholasMemoryHub>>
<<set $MemoryLyingToJeremyExperienced to true>>
"Where's my mother?" Jeremy has just asked you. He's seen it in a book you've read to him—that all children have a mother.
You've told him that he's different, and must be kept safe inside at home at all times. He has accepted this, although you wonder for how long. But can you tell him he killed his own mother?
How could anyone live with that knowledge? You can barely live with it. Sometimes it's hard to look at him.
And when he senses that—you pulling away—sometimes you're afraid of him.
Like now.
"She got sick when you were very young," you say.
<<display EndgameNicholasMemoryHub>>
<<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "EntranceHall">>
The boy's eyes are hooded, his expression closed and frightening. He seems to be shaking.
Before you can do or say anything, he opens his mouth and a wordless scream pours out. It hits you and the house like a shockwave. You're thrown back against the front door. The walls shudder. And all at once . . .
Every window throughout the entire house blows outward.
Then the building seems to take a breath, and suddenly the full storm is rushing inside. You hear rain pounding on the floor upstairs and feel it freezing against your face. You look down and see, splayed out beside you, the dead body of an old man.
Thin, pale, old-fashioned clothes, vein-gnarled hands—this old man was who was in your head a moment ago. Now he's a corpse, body crushed, blood leaking out his ears.
"Grandfather," the boy whispers, as the storm blows through the house around him.
He walks by as if in a trance, opens the front door, and escapes into the endless night.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
[[Look around the house.|EndgameHouseFlooded]]
[[Look out the door after the boy.|EndgameLookOutForBoy]]
<</nobr>>As you turn away from the memories newly available to you, you see Jeremy's rageful expression. If you fully focus on the present, there's no turning back from that face.
Are you sure you don't want to explore some of how you got here first?<<set $NicholasMemorySkipWarning to true>>
<<display EndgameNicholasMemoryHub>><<nobr>>
You've drifted into the mind of Nicholas Wickenden, the grandfather of the ghostly boy you've seen in the house. That boy now stares at you while you can pick through memories newly available to you.
Outside the house, the storm continues to rage—and you hover between the past and the present.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
<<if $MemoryFatherDeathExperienced is true>><<else>>
[[Remember being informed of your father's death.|NicholasMemoryFatherDeath]]
<<if $MemoryEmilyBodyExperienced is true>><<else>>
[[Bring to mind your discovery of Emily's body.|NicholasMemoryEmilyBody]]
<<if $MemoryLyingToJeremyExperienced is true>><<else>>
[[Recall lying to Jeremy about his mother's death.|NicholasMemoryLyingToJeremy]]
<<if $MemoryLyingToJeremyExperienced is true and $MemoryEmilyBodyExperienced is true and $MemoryFatherDeathExperienced is true>>
[[Focus on the present, with Jeremy and the storm.|EndgameJeremyConvo2]]
<<if $NicholasMemorySkipWarning is true>>
[[No more memories. Focus on the present, with Jeremy and the storm.|EndgameJeremyConvo2]]
[[Focus on the present, with Jeremy and the storm.|NicholasMemorySkipWarning]]
<</nobr>><<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "Limbo">>You follow the boy out the front door.
<<display EndgameFinalChoice>><<set $LocationPlayer_Current to "Limbo">>The storm is pouring into the house, which is now a shell of a structure, water collecting upstairs and pouring down the central stairwell in a growing waterfall. The basement must already be flooded—you're standing in ankle-deep water that's steadily rising.
You'd be safer outside. Whatever happens next for you lies out the front door. Pushed by a sudden heave of wind and water, you exit through it.
<<display EndgameFinalChoice>>
You discover beautiful weather, the sun high in the sky and surrounded by fluffy white clouds. There's no sign of storms, ghostly young boys, or the long-held secrets of a dying family.
Your phone rings, somehow having regained its charge. It's Barry.
"Hey, how's my new house?" he says. "You know, I haven't even seen it, just bought it off the photos online. You're welcome to stay there as long as you like. Not sure when I'll be done traveling to come see it."
You look back at what appears from the outside to be an old, unkempt, but solidly built old mansion. Did you just imagine everything you saw in there?
You vaguely respond to Barry without really telling him anything, then get off the phone.
It's now late in the afternoon.
---- ''ACTIONS'' ----
[[Drive away.|EndDriveOff]]
[[Go back inside.|EndGoBackInside]]
<</nobr>>You take off and don't look back. Was it real? Was it all in your head? You'll never know—and you didn't want to know badly enough to risk stepping foot back inside that house.
---- ''THE END'' ----
Thank you for playing! Let me know what you think at <html><a href="mailto:davidesky2@hotmail.com?Subject=" target="_top">davidesky2@hotmail.com</a></html>, and check out my other games at my website, <html><a href="theeasilyamused.com">Triumphs of the Easily Amused</a></html>.<<nobr>>
You cautiously reenter the house and find it . . . silent.
Sunlight falls through the windows, illuminating a musty, empty old-fashioned house that feels like it's been cleaned up for sale to owners who will almost certainly gut it.
The entrance hall details you remember—shattered glass, cracked wooden panelling—are missing. It's just a scrubbed-clean, empty room. You arrived very late and tired last night, but you think this matches what you saw upon first entering.
Wandering into the living room, you find the couch and the fireplace but nothing else. It's quiet, even boring.
The couch is inviting, though. Whatever happened to you earlier in this house, it left you exhausted. You can't help but fall onto it, almost immediately drifting off.
You hear the roll of thunder outside. Wait, how long have you been out?
[[Wake up.|GameReset]]